Self portrait | Acrylic on Canvas | 80 x 120 cm
Robert Gaerthé (1959), Amsterdam (Plantage)
The Hague born, studied at Hazelhorst Delft, followed by the Royal Academy of Art and the Free Academy, both located in The Hague.
While living off and on in France, Spain, and Belgium during my early artist days my work was shown on several exhibitions. On returning to The Hague I picked up a career in illustrating (commercial) and proceeded (after moving to Amsterdam) as a self-employed Art Director in the advertising industry.
I never stopped though with making art.
After the commercial career, I started making portraits (initiating my own projects as well as commissioned). Working on perfecting the images of people, horses, pets you name it while also experimenting in all other disciplines art has to offer (photography, plastic art, ceramic, etc.)
The time I lived in Belgium (2002-2010) with dogs, cats, pigs, horses, and all sorts of other species, got me more connected to the countryside of living. Presently however you will mainly see me, at night that is, exploring the streets and the night lights of Amsterdam. Armed with my camera I am trying to capture the mood (mojo) of “Amsterdam by Night” to then transfer these images on paper (pastel), canvas (oil), whatever the mood.
My work can be found in:
Belgium – Doha (Qatar) – France – Italy – Norway – Netherlands – Spain – Switzerland – USA – and the UK.
I am still into (commissioned) portraits, people, animals, so, if interested let me know. Any other art questions, do not hesitate.
My work
New Exhibition in AMSTERDAM!!
Group Show
Zamenhofstraat 150
20 November t/m 1 januari
Opening: May 21 / 18 June
Expocafé Zamen
Zamenhofstraat 150, 1022 AG, Amsterdam (Noord).
Galerie KunstRUIM
Kunsthak ABW & W
Nieuwendijk 11 – Amsterdam
7 April t/m 30 April 2023
Open Studio
26 maart
Zamenhofstraat 150
Amsterdam Noord 2023